Thursday, July 11, 2019

How it Works for Me — Signs for a Medium


Since my mom passed almost twenty years ago, whenever I am in transition or have some milestone happening, I get a sign from her. And it’s never in question that the sign is from her because whatever it is will have her presence written all over it in some magical way.

For example, when she first died I was angry and missing her, telling my friends that I kept questioning God, convinced I’d never hear from her again. At the time this was first discussed, I was riding in the passenger seat of my friend’s car and she was driving. We were on our way to a media function in New York City and traffic was at a standstill.

“I miss my mother.” I said. I turned to my friend and my eyes caught onto something passed her, outside of the open window, and rested on something blue and white nestled in the corner of some buildings across the highway. 

“What’s that?” I pointed and squinted and now we were both staring at this.

My friend inched the car up so that we could get a better view of the little alcove and soon the morning sun lit it up to reveal a statue nestled inside. More than that, it was of the Blessed Mother, who was depicted in my Catholic religious upbringing, as wearing blue and white.
“It’s a sign that she’s OK!” I said, and we both smiled as the same thought came to mind, “

“You mean a sign from her, don’t you? Your mom?” my friend asked in further confirmation.

I shook my head. “Somehow it feels like it’s from someone else…”


As the car jerked forward in the traffic, I spun my head to my side of the window and, blocking my view through it, was the word: G.O.D. It was painted in large bold letters and emblazoned on the side of a truck that covered the entire window.

“I get it, I get,” and we both started laughing, so big a sign it was. Their acronym for GOD: Guaranteed Overnight Delivery.

Message received.

And that is how it works for me. I get a sign and it is often followed by grateful validation. I keep a journal of these personal paranormal experiences and I’ve allowed myself to become aware of everyday occurrences because they have transformed into magical messages for me.

Signs from spirit are everywhere. I believe we just have to be mindful enough to tune into them.

Previously published February 2018 on